
Donating To Prevailing Word Publishing

We operate solely on donations and the generosity of supporters like you. 2 Corinthians 9:10, “Now may He who supplies seed to the sower, and bread for food, supply and multiply the seed you have sown and increase the fruits of your righteousness” To make a ONE TIME donation of any amount $10.00 or greater, just use this button!

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Good question! Let us tell you what we have been led by the Holy Spirit to do with His provision.

Being inspired by the Holy Spirit Paul wrote, “…when I preach the gospel, I may offer the gospel without charge…” 1 Corinthians 9:18 (NASB) Therefore, we believe that as doers of the Word of God we make every attempt to present the gospel without charge.

  • Teachings of the month mailed, and or emailed to anyone who requests them.
  • Nuggets for the Remnant (daily devotional) emailed out (Mon-Fri, excluding holidays) to supplement studies to anyone who requests them.
  • Powerful videos continue to be posted on YouTube!
  • Most pamphlets are free downloads available on our website.
  • Free audio teachings to stream or download on Soundcloud.
  • Active prison ministry.
  • Active ministry to the homeless, and those in nursing homes or assisted living.
  • New publications as the Holy Spirit leads.
  • Providing bibles and study material to anyone the Holy Spirit leads us to, at no cost to them.
  • One on one bible studies/counsel when requested. No meeting is too small.

If you have made the decision to support Prevailing Word, either in prayer or finances we thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Please know that we are not tax exempt.

Ultimately, we give all the praise and honor to the Father; however, we know that this would not have been possible without your prayers, and support as the Spirit of God has led you to partner with us.

We lay all the credit to your account! “Not that I seek or am eager for [your] gift, but I do seek and am eager for the fruit which increases to your credit [the harvest of blessing that is accumulating to your account].” Philippians 4:17 (AMPC)

May God bless you richly, and abundantly. In His Love Your Brother Charles, and Sister Leah